Understanding the ERCT Standard

Introduction to ERCT

Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) are considered the "gold standard" in educational research, but their implementation alone doesn't guarantee reliable or practical results. Many RCTs face challenges like unclear criteria, short-term focus, or limited applicability to real-world settings.

The Educational Randomised Controlled Trial (ERCT) Standard solves these issues by introducing 12 clear criteria, grouped into three levels, to ensure research is rigorous, transparent, and impactful in real-life educational contexts.

The ERCT Framework

The ERCT Standard has 3 levels, each containing 4 criteria

Level 1

Focuses on short-term classroom studies with clear documentation and assessments.
  • Class-level RCT

    Tests interventions at the classroom level to prevent cross-group contamination

  • Exam-based Assessment

    Uses standardized exams for objective and comparable results

  • Term Duration

    Ensures studies last at least one academic term to measure meaningful impacts

  • Documented Control Group

    Requires detailed control group data for proper comparisons

Level 2

Focuses on short-term classroom studies with clear documentation and assessments.
  • School-level RCT

    Expands testing to whole schools for real-world relevance

  • All-subject Exams

    Assesses effects across all core subjects, avoiding imbalances

  • Year Duration

    Ensures studies last at least one academic term to measure meaningful impacts

  • Balanced Resources

    Ensures equal time and resources for both groups to isolate the intervention's impact.

Level 3

Focuses on short-term classroom studies with clear documentation and assessments.
  • Graduation Tracking

    Tracks students until graduation to evaluate long-term impacts.

  • Replicated Results

    Uses standardized exams for objective and comparable results

  • Independent Conduct

    Removes bias by using third-party evaluators.

  • Pre-registered Protocol:

    Increases transparency by publishing study plans before data collection

By following these criteria, researchers can conduct robust studies,
and educators can confidently interpret research findings.
This standard guides high-quality educational RCTs and evaluates existing research.

Criteria Details

  • Level 1: CETD

    • C

      Class-level RCT - C

      • The intervention must last for at least one full academic term.
      • A term is typically defined as a semester or equivalent (approximately 3-4 months).
      • Check for: Clear statement of intervention duration, dates, and alignment with academic calendar.
      • Stronger one year-long intervention duration is required at Level 2.
      • If the study duration was year-long then this weaker term-duration criterion is considered met.
      • C
      • E
      • T
      • D
      • S
      • A
      • Y
      • B
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      • R
      • I
      • P

      Many studies conduct a brief, two-week intervention and immediately measures outcomes. Short-term interventions may show temporary effects that don't persist, or miss delayed effects that take time to manifest. Ensuring at least a term-long intervention allows for more reliable assessment of the intervention's impact.

      • Find Intervention Duration

        Identify quotes from the paper specifying the start and end dates or the duration of the intervention (e.g., “The program ran from September to December…”).

      • Assess Documentation Clarity

        Check if these quotes detail who the control group is, their baseline characteristics, and confirm that no special treatment was given beyond normal schooling. If no such descriptive quote is found, this is a failure.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if you can quote clear documentation of the control group’s characteristics. Mark as “not met” if no adequate quote describing the control group is provided.

    • E

      Exam-based Assessment - E

      • The study must use standardised exam-based assessments.
      • Assessments should not be specially designed for the study but should be standard, widely recognised tests.
      • Check for: Names of standardised tests used, their validity and reliability, and appropriateness for the study population.
      • What is important is that a standard exam-based assessment is used, not whether there is a positive effect.
      • Stronger all-subject exam-based assessment is required at Level 2.
      • C
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      Researchers often create a custom test specifically designed to measure the outcomes of their intervention. This can lead to bias, as the test may be overly aligned with the intervention, inflating its apparent effectiveness. Standardised exams provide a more objective and comparable measure of educational outcomes.

      • Identify the Assessment Tool

        Locate any quotes from the paper describing the test or examination used to measure outcomes. For example: “We used the national standardised exam in mathematics…” or “We developed a new test for the purpose of this study…”

      • Check Standardisations

        If the exam name or description indicates it is a widely recognised standardised test (e.g., “state-wide standardised achievement test,” “national curriculum exam”), it meets the criterion. Quote the part that confirms its standardization.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if the quoted duration is at least one full term. Mark as “not met” if the quoted duration is shorter than a term or not clearly stated.

    • T

      Term Duration - T

      • The intervention must last for at least one full academic term.
      • A term is typically defined as a semester or equivalent (approximately 3-4 months).
      • Check for: Clear statement of intervention duration, dates, and alignment with academic calendar.
      • Stronger one year-long intervention duration is required at Level 2.
      • If the study duration was year-long then this weaker term-duration criterion is considered met.
      • C
      • E
      • T
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      • S
      • A
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      • B
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      • R
      • I
      • P

      Many studies conduct a brief, two-week intervention and immediately measures outcomes. Short-term interventions may show temporary effects that don't persist, or miss delayed effects that take time to manifest. Ensuring at least a term-long intervention allows for more reliable assessment of the intervention's impact.

      • Find Intervention Duration

        Identify quotes from the paper specifying the start and end dates or the duration of the intervention (e.g., “The program ran from September to December…”).

      • Assess Documentation Clarity

        Check if these quotes detail who the control group is, their baseline characteristics, and confirm that no special treatment was given beyond normal schooling. If no such descriptive quote is found, this is a failure.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if you can quote clear documentation of the control group’s characteristics. Mark as “not met” if no adequate quote describing the control group is provided.

    • D

      Documented Control Group - D

      • The control group must be well-documented.
      • Documentation should include demographic information, baseline performance, and any treatments received.
      • Check for: Detailed description of control group characteristics, size, and conditions.
      • C
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      Many studies mention having a control group but provide no details about its composition or treatment. Why it's an issue: Without proper documentation, it's impossible to assess whether the control group was truly comparable or if it received any unintended interventions. Detailed documentation of the control group allows for proper comparison and interpretation of results.

      • Locate Control Group Description

        Find quotes from the methods section describing the control group’s demographics, baseline performance, or any conditions placed on them. For example: “The control group received standard instruction, and included 30 students with similar demographic backgrounds…”

      • Assess Documentation Clarity

        Check if these quotes detail who the control group is, their baseline characteristics, and confirm that no special treatment was given beyond normal schooling. If no such descriptive quote is found, this is a failure.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if you can quote clear documentation of the control group’s characteristics. Mark as “not met” if no adequate quote describing the control group is provided.

  • Level 2: SAYB

    • S

      School-level RCT - S

      • The study must be a Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) conducted at the school level.
      • Randomisation should occur among schools, not just classes within schools.
      • Check for: Description of school selection process, number of schools involved, and randomisation method.
      • If this stronger school-level RCT criterion is met then weaker class-level RCT criterion is also considered as met.
      • C
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      • A
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      • B
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      • R
      • I
      • P

      A class-level RCT shows positive results, but when implemented school-wide, the effects disappear. Class-level randomisation might not account for school-level factors that influence the intervention's effectiveness. School-level randomisation captures a more realistic implementation scenario and accounts for school-wide factors. They are the closest to real-life implementations.

      • Identify Randomisation Level

        Locate quotes describing the randomisation procedure at the school level (e.g., “Twenty schools were randomly assigned to either the intervention or control condition…”).

      • If Only Class-level or Student-level Mentioned

        If you find quotes that randomisation was at class or student level only, this criterion is not met.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if a quote confirms school-level randomisation. Mark as “not met” if no quote indicates school-level assignment.

    • A

      Exam-based Assessment - A

      • The study must measure impact on all main subjects taught in the school, not just the subject of intervention.
      • Only standard standardised exam-based assessments are considered (see more details in the “E - Exam-based Assessment” criterion description).
      • This prevents overlooking potential negative impacts on non-intervention subjects.
      • Check for: List of all subjects assessed, description of assessment methods for each subject.
      • If this stronger All Exams criterion is met then weaker “E - Exam-based Assessment” criterion is also considered as met.
      • C
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      • I
      • P

      For example a maths intervention shows great improvement in maths scores, but researchers don't measure performance in other subjects. This intervention might be improving maths at the expense of other subjects, leading to an imbalanced education. Measuring all subjects ensures the intervention doesn't have unintended negative consequences in non-target areas.


      For highly specialised interventions in upper secondary or vocational education, measuring impact on directly related subjects might be sufficient if the rationale is clearly explained.

      • Check Subjects Assessed

        Locate quotes from the paper listing the subjects tested. For example: “We assessed student performance in math, science, and language arts at the end of the year…”

      • All Main Subjects Coverage

        Verify from the quotes that all main subjects taught in that educational level were assessed. If unsure what the main subjects are, refer to the paper’s curriculum description or standard subjects in that context. Make sure that they are standard standardised exam-based assessments, not some custom tests.

      • Exceptions

        If the paper states a clear rationale for a specialized intervention (e.g., vocational training focused solely on welding certification) and justifies measuring only related outcomes, quote that explanation and consider this acceptable.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if quoted evidence shows all main subjects (or justified exception) were assessed. Mark as “not met” if quoted evidence shows only one or a limited set of subjects without justification.

    • Y

      Year Duration - Y

      • The intervention must last for at least one full academic year.
      • Check for: Clear statement of intervention duration covering a full academic year, with specific start and end dates.
      • If this stronger Year Duration criterion is met then weaker “T - Term Duration” criterion is also considered as met.
      • C
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      • P

      A term-long intervention shows promising results, but these gains fade by the end of the school year. Some educational interventions may have short-term effects that don't persist long-term. A year-long study is a reasonable practical compromise - it is long-enough to have good confidence in the intervention results while still practical as schools often are organised around years.

      • Find Duration Information

        Identify quotes specifying the intervention period. For example: “The intervention was implemented from September 2020 to June 2021.”

      • Check Length Against a Year

        Verify from the quotes that it covers an entire academic year (generally ~9-10 months).

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if the quoted duration spans a full academic year. Mark as “not met” if quotes indicate a shorter duration.

    • B

      Balanced Control Group - B

      • The control group must balance time on education and budget.
      • If the intervention increases time or budget, the control group should match this for "business as usual" activities.
      • Check: Compare time and resources for both groups.
      • C
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      An intervention that provides extra tutoring time (or extra budget) shows positive results, but the control group received no additional educational time (or money). It's unclear whether the positive results are due to the specific intervention or simply the additional time or money spent on education. Ensuring the control group receives balanced time and resources isolates the effect of the specific intervention. When an intervention is designed to test the impact of additional resources (such as extra tutoring time or rewards) on outcomes, the control group typically receives the standard 'business as usual' level. In this case, the absence of extra resources in the control group is by design and does not indicate an imbalance.

      • Determine Study Intent

        Assess whether the study is explicitly testing the impact of additional resources. If so, the control group should receive the baseline “business as usual” input.

      • Identify Intervention Resources

        Find quotes describing the intervention in the test group. Examples: “Students in the intervention group received an additional hour of tutoring each day.” “Teachers in the intervention group were provided with new tablets and training sessions.”

      • Determine if Additional Resources were Provided

        Based on the quotes, decide if these interventions required extra budget/time/resources compared to standard instruction. If uncertain, look for additional quotes clarifying the nature of the intervention. Include the detailed description of the additional resources into your explanation. If the extra resources are the treatment variable, then the control group should be documented as receiving the standard input.

      • If No Additional Resources Required

        If the quotes show no extra resources (e.g., “The intervention involved a new teaching method but no additional class time or materials”), mark as “met” without further checking.

      • If Additional Resources Required

        Locate quotes that describe what the control group received. For example: “Control schools also received additional professional development time equivalent to the intervention group’s training hours.” Verify that the quoted resources/time for the control group matches or balances out the intervention group’s extra input.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if the evaluation confirms a balanced allocation—either by matching extra resources or, if the extra resource is the treatment variable, by ensuring all groups receive the same core inputs. Mark as “not met” if no quotes indicate any effort to balance or if baseline inputs differ.

  • Level 3 ERCT

    • G

      Graduation Tracking - G

      • The study must follow up and track participants until their graduation.
      • This assesses long-term impacts of the intervention.
      • Check for: Description of follow-up methods, duration of tracking, and graduation data collection processes.
      • C
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      Interventions may show short-term benefits, but researchers often neglect to follow up on long-term outcomes. Tracking until graduation offers insight into the lasting impact on students' educational journeys without needing to track them after leaving school.

      • Find Follow-up Period

        Locate quotes describing the follow-up duration. For example: “Students were tracked through to the end of their primary education, until Grade 6 graduation.”

      • Check Graduation Tracking

        Confirm from the quotes that the study did not stop measurement immediately after the intervention ended, but continued until the students graduated from that educational stage.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if quoted evidence shows tracking continued through graduation. Mark as “not met” if quoted evidence shows tracking stopped earlier or no mention of graduation tracking is found.

    • R

      Reproduced - R

      • The study must be independently replicated.
      • Replication should ideally be conducted by a different research team in a different context.
      • Check for: Reference to original study, description of replication process, and comparison of results.
      • C
      • E
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      • D
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      • A
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      • I
      • P

      A highly publicised educational intervention fails to show the same positive results when implemented in different schools or contexts. Single studies may have results influenced by specific contexts, leading to non-generalisable findings. There have been numerous cases in educational research where initial studies were promising, but replication efforts revealed little to no effect. Reproduction in different contexts ensures the intervention's effects are robust and generalisable.

      • Identify Mention of Replication

        Find quotes where the authors mention a previous or separate study that replicated their intervention and results. For example: “A subsequent study by Smith et al. (2022) implemented the same intervention in a different district and found similar effects.”

      • Check Independence

        Confirm from the quotes that the replication was done by a different team or institution, not the same authors.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if quoted references show independent replication in a different context. Mark as “not met” if no quotes mention replication or if the replication was by the same research team only.

    • I

      Independent Conduct - I

      • The study must be conducted independently from the authors who designed the intervention.
      • This reduces potential bias in implementation and analysis.
      • Check for: Clear statement of who conducted the study and their relationship (or lack thereof) to the intervention designers.
      • C
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      • P

      When the researchers or authors of an intervention conduct the study themselves, there is a risk of biased reporting or analysis. For example, the authors might subconsciously or consciously influence data collection or interpretation to favour their intervention.

      • Check Research Team Independence

        Look for quotes in the acknowledgments, methods, or author contribution sections. For example: “Data collection and analysis were conducted by an external evaluation team with no involvement in the intervention’s design.”

      • If Authors are the Designers

        If the quotes show that the same authors developed the intervention and also carried out the study, this criterion fails unless there is a statement of third-party oversight.

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if quoted evidence confirms independence (e.g., an external evaluation agency). Mark as “not met” if quotes indicate the same team designed and tested the intervention without independent oversight.

    • P

      Pre-Registered - P

      • The full study protocol must be pre-registered before the study begins.
      • Pre-registration should include hypotheses, methods, and planned analyses.
      • Check for: Link to pre-registration, date of pre-registration (must be before data collection began), and adherence to pre-registered plan.
      • C
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      • I
      • P

      Researchers often analyse their data in multiple ways and only report the analyses that show significant positive results. This p-hacking or selective reporting can lead to false positive results and an inflated sense of the intervention's effectiveness. Pre-registration of hypotheses and analysis plans prevents selective reporting and increases transparency in research.

      • Locate Pre-Registration Statement

        Find quotes mentioning a registry platform (e.g., “The study was pre-registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (ID…) before data collection began.”).

      • Verify Timing

        Check quotes for a date of pre-registration and ensure it was before data collection started (e.g., “Pre-registration occurred in June 2020, data collection began in September 2020.”).

      • Decision

        Mark as “met” if quoted evidence confirms a pre-registration reference and timing. Mark as “not met” if no quotes referencing pre-registration are found or if the quoted timing indicates registration occurred after data collection.

Have Questions
or Suggestions?

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